Fellowship Southwest

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FSW jointly hosted a post-Easter retreat in Lake Tahoe

Last week Fellowship Southwest, CBF West, CBF Texas and CBF Oklahoma hosted our annual post-Easter retreat. A group of pastors and lay leaders from across the region met in South Lake Tahoe at the beautiful Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center. We were led by Melinda and Robert Creech of Floresville, Texas.

The theme was experiencing resurrection through nature. Robert and Melinda led us through several exercises and practices encouraging us to slow down, to notice God’s creation, and to be mindful of our place in it. Through journaling and timed writing, still and intentional observation, learning the names of the plants and animals around us, and the reading of Scripture, the Creeches helped us find renewal in creation. We also learned of their work at Creech Prairie Restoration.

Our time together included a tour around the lake led by Scott Capshaw, pastor of FBC Tahoe City and a group snowshoeing adventure. Several of us went on shopping excursions, got creative with art supplies, or went skiing. We all spent time breathing deeply on the lakeshore staring at snow-covered peaks in awe of God’s magnificent creation.

Special thanks to Glen Foster, Coordinator of CBF West for all the planning and preparation for the event, and to Melinda and Robert Creech for their thoughtful leadership. We’re grateful for all those in attendance and hope you’ll consider joining us again next year.