Fellowship Southwest

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A prayer for migrants

Stephen Reeves offered this pastoral prayer at First Baptist Austin on Sunday for migrants, for law enforcement, for our politicians, and for all of us. For the video of the prayer, click here. It begins at 38:55.

God of compassion and justice, our hearts break with the suffering and injustice all around us and we're often filled with righteous indignation. Tend to our broken hearts and channel our anger. Give us the strength and courage to act. Remind us now that we are called to love our neighbors and welcome the stranger. We confess, O God, that we fail everyday to uphold these clear commands. Let us not point out the specks in the eyes of others while ignoring the logs in our own. Give us grace in our failing and the stamina to do justice just as you've called us, and to do so even within our broken and failing system. Help those of us who are privileged and comfortable not to opt out, or neglect our influence just because we're not directly affected. It is so tempting and easy to disengage and become cynical, God.

We pray this morning for all of your children who have to make dangerous journeys. Those running for their lives and fighting for a future for their children. For victims of violence and the hungry. Your scripture is full of just such stories. Be with them. Guide their steps and keep them safe.

Lord please also be with our law enforcement - the DPS Troopers, Border Patrol and National Guard troops. They have difficult jobs and are themselves often traumatized. We thank you for calling them to lives of service and ask they be given the courage to act in the best interest of our sisters and brothers despite receiving orders to the contrary.

Please lord, soften the hearts of our leaders. Help them to see others as fellow children made in your image and not just invaders and criminals.

God, it sounds like we're asking for a miracle and maybe we are, but we know you are the one with enough power to raise the dead. It is in his name that we pray. Amen.