Fellowship Southwest sponsors back-to-church webinars

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As governments loosen shelter-in-place restrictions and churches consider the next phase of ministry in light of COVID-19, Fellowship Southwest is producing webinars to help church leaders think about when to reconvene in person and how to go about it.

“These will be open-ended conversations about the spiritual, ethical and technical questions involved in ‘doing church’ face-to-face again,” FSW Coordinator Marv Knox explained. “We wouldn’t presume to tell congregations it’s time to go back to church. In fact, we advocate caution born of love for neighbor. But we know pastors and church leaders have to think about opening their doors again, and we believe these conversations will help.”

FSW will produce three webinars, featuring ecumenical church leaders from Dallas, Fort Worth and across the Southwest. They will discuss such questions as:

  • When do you plan to gather person-to-person again?

  • What are your considerations for gathering?

  • What’s it like holding off when others are going back to church?

  • What are you doing to prepare?

  • What valuable resources have you found to guide you as you go back to church?

FSW will record the first webinar late this week and follow with the other two next week, Knox said.

FSWJay Pritchard