Morrow and refugees adapt to COVID-19 pandemic

By Karen Morrow

Imagine arriving as a refugee in a new country amidst a pandemic: Government offices are closed or working remotely. Documents needed to work and support your family are very difficult to acquire or are delayed months. Those who would normally welcome you and help you navigate life are social distancing. Isolation can be overwhelming and seem hopeless.

While social distancing, I’ve struggled with how to minister effectively in the midst of a pandemic. Instead of focusing on all the things I can no longer do, I’ve tried to focus on what God is still doing in spite of what I may see or feel. I’ve seen God show up in incredible ways.

One of the greatest blessings has been seeing the partnerships God is building and strengthening among those serving refugees. Without the time constraints of programming, we have begun thinking strategically about how to best meet not only the current needs, but also partnerships in the future.

Initially, one of our concerns was food. Through a governmental grant, 10,000 boxes of fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products became available for weekly distribution. Partnering with World Relief, refugee congregations and local churches, we have been able to get fresh food into the refugee communities.

Individuals donated generously to the ministry and the CBF Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund. I have been able to supply:

  • Household set-ups for several new Afghan families

  • Gift cards for some of the unemployed/underemployed

  • 18 baby bundles with clothing, diapers, wipes, baby wash and more

  • 21 bags of hygiene items and cleaning supplies for Congolese widows, single mothers and the disabled

  • Notebook paper and pencils for schoolwork for the families in the Hope Library program

Just as we are weary of social distancing and wearing masks, so are the refugees. They come from communal societies and are now being asked to isolate. Many of them are working essential jobs in warehouses and retail, with increased risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Please pray for:

  • Refugees to follow the health guidelines limiting exposure, for themselves and for their communities

  • Creativity in meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of refugees

  • Physical protection for those in refugee camps

Thanks for your partnership in ministry.

Karen Morrow is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missionary to refugees in Fort Worth, Texas. 

Karen Morrow’s ministry is made possible by your prayers, participation and support for the CBF Offering for Global Missions, which enables her presence alongside refugees, and Karen Morrow—Refugee Ministry, which supports her programming costs. To support her ministry, click the links. To volunteer or learn how your church can be involved in refugee ministry, write to her at


Pray for Maria, a refugee/nurse in FSW’s Palomas shelter


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