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House Minority Pushes H.R.2: The Hidden Dangers for Migrant Children

By Elket Rodríguez

As the border deal fails to secure enough votes in Congress, attention has pivoted to push for the passage of H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act. However, a closer examination of the bill reveals alarming provisions that pose significant risks to the well-being and rights of migrant children –those they claim to protect.

Here's a breakdown of what is included in H.R.2:

1. Promoting Family Separations and Indefinite Detention: H.R.2 removes the presumption against detaining migrant children accompanied by their families, facilitating family separations and exposing children to potentially harmful conditions in detention centers.

2. Perpetuating Unhealthy Shelter Standards: By prohibiting state licensing for detention centers housing migrant children, H.R.2 allows substandard conditions to persist, putting the health and well-being of vulnerable children at risk.

3. Expediting Deportation: The bill expands the deportation of unaccompanied migrant children to their home countries, while also fast-tracking deportation proceedings and limiting access to legal counsel, undermining due process rights. For example, the bill lets immigration officers allow a child to withdraw their application for entering the United States, even if the child cannot make that decision independently.

4. Prolonging Detention: H.R.2 extends the time unaccompanied migrant children can spend in detention from 72 hours to 30 days, exposing them to prolonged confinement with potentially severe physical and mental health consequences, especially for infants and young children.

5. Restricting Access to Counsel: By expediting immigration processes and discouraging family sponsorship, H.R.2 limits children's access to legal representation and fair adjudication, further eroding their rights.

6. Mandating Deportation of Child Sponsors: H.R.2 mandates immigration officials to begin deportation processes for undocumented sponsors of unaccompanied migrant children. This policy discourages family members in the U.S. from stepping forward to host their relatives, potentially leading to an increase in the number of migrant children in government shelters or placed with non-relative sponsors.

7. Mandatory Detention of Adults and Children for Unlawful Entry: H.R.2 requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain adults and children together if the only criminal charge against the adult is for unlawful entry into the United States. This policy mandates the detention of families, regardless of potential alternatives or the best interests of the children involved.

In essence, H.R.2 fails to safeguard the rights and well-being of migrant children, instead endangering them through policies promoting family separations, prolonged detention, and expedited deportation.

Advocates and human rights organizations have voiced concerns about the detrimental impact of such measures on the most vulnerable members of society. Rather than addressing migration's root causes and implementing humane solutions, H.R.2 exacerbates injustices and violates fundamental principles of human rights and dignity.

As Congress continues its debates, it is crucial for lawmakers to prioritize the rights and welfare of migrant children, rejecting legislation that perpetuates harm and injustice to children.