Stories to inspire, challenge and educate.
To find stories related to FSW’s four priorities, click on the category below.
FSW jointly hosted a post-Easter retreat in Lake Tahoe
Last week Fellowship Southwest, CBF West, CBF Texas and CBF Oklahoma hosted our annual post-Easter retreat. A group of pastors and lay leaders from across the region met in South Lake Tahoe at the beautiful Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center. We were led by Melinda and Robert Creech of Floresville, Texas.
Texas Advocacy Update
Fellowship Southwest is active at the Capitol in Austin during this legislative session. This week we have registered support or opposition to bills related to public education, immigration, and predatory lending. We most often do our work in coalition with others. For a list of coalitions and organizations we pay attention to, see last week’s newsletter.
How and why Fellowship Southwest engages in advocacy (with updates on Texas Legislature)
Fellowship Southwest is committed to pursuing justice and equipping others to do the same. We feel called to use our voice, influence and privilege to advocate alongside, and on behalf of, those who are too often ignored or disempowered. We’re not out to advance a narrow agenda but to promote the common good. It is one way we love our neighbors.
Texas leaders divert dollars and discourage public input
When our family moved to Dripping Springs, Texas, a little over a year ago, the reputation of the local public schools was a big factor. Though we mourn the lack of diversity as compared to our school in Georgia, so far we’ve had a mostly excellent experience.
Imagine my surprise then when I clicked on the Texas Monthly cover article from March, “The Campaign to Sabotage Texas’s Public Schools,” and the first photo of a school was my kid’s elementary school.
Black maternal health rally
“Black women are ignored by healthcare providers when we are in pain. We are told we don’t feel pain like people of other races.” -Kearra Haynes
On Monday, Anyra Cano, Fellowship Southwest’s director of programs and outreach, joined Friendship-West Baptist Church in Austin for their advocacy day and the Maternal Health Rally. Friendship-West centered the voices of Black women and the injustices they face in the current health system.
Texas Advocacy Day 2023
Fellowship Southwest held its first day of advocacy in Austin, Texas, on Feb. 28, 2023. It was a wonderful day of education and fellowship with advocates from all around the state.
CLICK HERE to read all about the day, including visits with legislators, and see lots of photos.
FSW lleva "Trabajo Social 101" a pastores de todo el suroeste
Mientras reflexiono en este año, estoy agradecida por todas las oportunidades que Dios ha puesto frente a mí. Trabajar junto con FSW facilitando capacitaciones de Trabajo Social 101 para pastores y líderes de habla hispana es una de esas oportunidades. He viajado a diferentes áreas de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México y he conocido a pastores y líderes increíbles que tienen sus corazones comprometidos con sus comunidades. Pero como todos sabemos, hay límites en cuanto a lo que podemos hacer, límites a la cantidad de lugares que podemos visitar y a la cantidad de personas que podemos conocer en un período de tiempo. Por eso, hoy estoy agradecida por la tecnología y las puertas que ha abierto.
Announcement from Rick McClatchy, CBF Texas Coordinator
By Rick McClatchy
I am filled with hope as I announce my retirement effective at the end of 2023. My twenty years of service to CBF TX and eight years of service with CBF OK have allowed me to work with some of the best people in Baptist life and for that I am very grateful and joyful.
Reflecting on 2022
As the year ends it is appropriate to reflect on where Fellowship Southwest has been and what we’ve accomplished thanks to your support and our numerous partners. I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to lead this organization, proud of the work we’ve done, and believe our best is yet to come.