Your gifts feed asylum seekers on Mexico-U.S. border

Pastor Rogelio Perez (center) leads Iglesia Bautista Capernaum’s ministry to asylum seekers on the border between Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas. Thanks to your contributions, Fellowship Southwest provided $1,000 to support this ministry.

Pastor Rogelio Perez (center) leads Iglesia Bautista Capernaum’s ministry to asylum seekers on the border between Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas. Thanks to your contributions, Fellowship Southwest provided $1,000 to support this ministry.

When asylum seekers on the border bridge between Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas, eat breakfast tacos, they look into the smiling faces of volunteers from Iglesia Bautista Capernaum. You are there, too.

Thanks to contributions provided by compassionate people who read about Fellowship Southwest’s Immigrant Relief Ministry, FSW recently provided $1,000 to the Hispanic congregation in Brownsville. The funds enable Capernaum to feed asylum seekers twice a week.

So, Pastor Rogelio Perez and Capernaum members get up in the wee hours to cook breakfast tacos. Then they trek to the bridge over the Rio Grande, where refugees cluster, hoping to plead their case for asylum in the United States. Capernaum gives them tacos, water and hope.

Members of Iglesia Bautista Capernaum get up early two mornings a week to deliver breakfast tacos to asylum seekers on the Mexico-U.S. border.

Members of Iglesia Bautista Capernaum get up early two mornings a week to deliver breakfast tacos to asylum seekers on the Mexico-U.S. border.

Capernaum is but one of multiple churches on both sides of the border that feed and/or shelter refugees they find almost literally on their doorsteps. Jorge Zapata, associate coordinator of CBF Texas and director of FSW’s Immigrant Relief Ministry, has built a network of relationships along the border, extending back decades. Those relationships are providing benefits to asylum seekers, as Jorge encourages the churches and their pastors and secures support for their refugee ministries.

If you would like to support this network of churches ministering on the border, click here.

To learn more about opportunities to serve alongside these churches on the border, click here.

Pastor Rogelio Perez (left) and members of Iglesia Bautista Capernaum of Brownsville, Texas, feed asylum seekers on the Mexico-U.S. border. Fellowship Southwest supports their ministry.

Pastor Rogelio Perez (left) and members of Iglesia Bautista Capernaum of Brownsville, Texas, feed asylum seekers on the Mexico-U.S. border. Fellowship Southwest supports their ministry.


CBF Oklahoma mission project reflects diversity, embodies unity


Tú puedes ministrar en la frontera EEUU-México a los refugiados e inmigrantes