Shoes for refugees


This photo is from our trip to Piedras Negras, Mexico. A mother washed the shoes her children wore on their journey from Central America and hung them to dry so they can be worn again. We saw men wearing too-small women's flip flops. We saw women with blistered feet wearing shoes unfit for walking. And we saw many barefooted children.

City Church in Del Rio, Texas, serves immigrants and refugees daily by providing for them one of their biggest needs: new shoes. They hand out 300 to 500 pairs of new shoes every week. They are providing shoes for both children and adults, but adult shoes are the greatest need. City Church has registered at Walmart and DollarDays, so that you can purchase shoes and have them sent there directly. New shoes will provide much-needed relief to many people.

Click here to order shoes for children and adults from DollarDays.

Click here to order shoes for adults from Walmart.


Fellowship Southwest distributes more than $10,000 for immigrant relief


Ministering to “four types of refugees”