Labor of love: Karen Morrow welcomes refugees to America

By Karen Morrow

These past few months have been busy as we began preparing for Afghan families to arrive here in Fort Worth and then began to welcome them. God has stirred the hearts of so many to welcome new families and donate items to help them settle into life here in America. 

Churches and families have put together welcome baskets full of bathroom and cleaning supplies, stockpots with cooking items, trashcans stuffed with kitchen/dining items, gift bags full of toys and gently used furniture. Others also have donated gift cards families can use for food or personal items. 

It’s with great joy and gratitude that I deliver these tangible gifts of welcome to the new Afghan families. I tell them these gifts are from Christians and churches who want them to know God loves and cares for them. When possible, I pray with the families—asking God’s blessings over them, their new home and their loved ones in Afghanistan. I’ve been touched by their gratitude and the smiles of the children as they open their gifts. 

One young boy, Ahmad, opened his present and checked out what his siblings received. Then he turned to me and said through translation: “At home we had toys, but here we have nothing. Thank you for bringing us toys.” 

At another home, Setayesh, a beautiful 4-year-old girl handed me a small faux-pearl bracelet. I admired it and then tried to return it. She shook her head and said, “No, it is a gift for you as you have brought so many nice things.” She went on to say, “It matches your earrings.” I was humbled as she had truly given her treasure to me. 

This summer, 10 Congolese children and their families from Bethesda Swahili Church participated in a nine-week Ready for School program with Jean Marie, a Congolese educator, as their family mentor and encourager. The children were all excited to receive the weekly lessons and proud to show off what they had learned. 

Our Mini-Day Camp at Park Terrace Apartments lead by Church at the Crossing youth reached more than 50 children, who participated in sports, crafts and songs, and learned Bible truths. After forming relationships with the children, the youth led a drive to collect shoes and backpacks for the children and held a back-to-school event. 

All these ministries are possible due to your generous gifts to the CBF Offering for Global Missions, which funds my presence. I would love to share with you how you might be involved in welcoming and helping refugees. You can contact me at

Karen Morrow is a CBF missionary ministering among internationals and refugees who have been forced to flee their home countries due to violence and persecution and are being resettled in Texas. 


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