Thankful for Thanksgiving

By Stephen Reeves

We’re at the hanging stuff on the walls phase at our new house in Drippings Springs. Yes, finally. It has been a busy fall. This week I hung a sign above our kitchen table that reads “Gather Here with Grateful Hearts”

Consider this newsletter column a grateful gathering.

This year I’m thankful for Thanksgiving itself. I’ve needed this time to slow down, take a bit of a break, and intentionally assess where I am and where I’ve been since last year. So very much has changed in the life of my family and in the ministry of Fellowship Southwest.

First and foremost Fellowship Southwest has added two full time staff members. I am beyond grateful for the gifts, passion, and commitment of Cameron Vickrey and Anyra Cano. These talented women make me better every day and I’m honored they believe enough in the future of Fellowship Southwest to join our team. After a year of a lot of behind the scenes work on financial and personnel matters, I’m also grateful for Lori Gooden our finance manager. Thanks also to Cintia Aguilar who has been a part-time member of our team since August and has provided much-needed training for pastors who are faced with immense need in immigrant communities. I’m immensely proud of this team.

A special note of thanks to Marv Knox. I cannot believe it has now been a year since his retirement. I’m grateful for the foundation he laid, all he taught me during our leadership overlap, and his willingness to provide a wise word of counsel whenever I call.

I’m also thankful for you and all those who provide the funds to keep us going. I’m grateful for your generosity and that you’ve connected with the mission and ministry of Fellowship Southwest. When I first took this position, as a first time executive director, I was very concerned about my ability to fundraise, especially the funds necessary to support our partners on the border. Every month I’d look at the numbers and the bottom line and calculate how long we could keep up our level of support. At some point this year I stopped looking so much at the amounts and started focusing on the names of the givers, both individuals and churches. It nearly brought me to tears. There are so many faithful, generous givers. Some of you I’ve known many year, and others I’ve yet to meet. Thank you for your faith in Fellowship Southwest and the ministries we support. Your funds alleviate suffering every day and help build this new model of Christian cooperation.

I give thanks constantly for our partners on the border. The pastors and their teams of volunteers and family are courageous Christ followers who live by faith and do what it takes to meet the enormous need they see every day. At a time when political stunts and a dizzying array of policy changes dominate the headlines, they are a constant, concerned only about those God has brought to their doorstep, not what anybody else thinks about their actions. They are an inspiration. It is an honor to be a small part of their ministries and a privilege to be a conduit for your support of them.

I also want to express my gratitude to Jorge Zapata and Elket Rodriguez. Though not officially FSW staff, we would not be nearly as effective without their partnership. I’m so pleased that Elket is now full time CBF field personnel. I look forward to working with them both for years to come.

Thanks also to our board of directors. They have been a backbone of support for our work since they were just a steering committee. They’ve supported our growth, charted our path and challenged us to think bigger. They’ve given their precious time and for that I am grateful.

Finally, a note of gratitude to the CBF family. They birthed Fellowship Southwest in 2017 to be unique and different. CBF leadership has supported our growth and independence and caught the vision set by our board of a truly ecumenical, multi-racial Christian network empowering compassion and justice. Though our circle is growing beyond CBF, they are our original foundation and so many of our relationships begin with CBF.

In so many ways It has been a good, hard year. My heart is grateful and I’m excited about whats next.

Stephen Reeves is the executive director of Fellowship Southwest.