Breakfast in Tijuana

The Fellowship Southwest staff just completed a tour of most of the partners we support who serve migrants at the border. We started over Labor Day weekend, mainly as a way to touch base with partners in person, but also to introduce our new staff person, Anyra Cano, to the ministries there. Anyra is the director of programs and outreach, and she will be the primary person who helps to coordinate mission trips and experiences at the border.

On Monday, Sept. 19, we completed the tour at edge of the Pacific Ocean in Tijuana. Bright and early, we headed over to a shelter where a few local churches provide breakfast most mornings. We were able to actually serve breakfast to about 300 migrants who are staying at this shelter. Trays of scrambled eggs, pancakes and slices of hot dogs nourished not just their bodies but have become, for these people, symbols of hope and Christian love.

We are so grateful to the local Tijuana churches who sacrifice so much of their time shopping, cooking, washing, packing, delivering and serving these hot breakfasts almost every day. Fellowship Southwest financially supports this feeding ministry, and we are so grateful to our donors for making sure that support remains consistent.

If you are interested in visiting Tijuana for a missions experience, the local church members would gladly let you take over the breakfast ministry for a few days! Contact Anyra Cano if you want to know more about opportunities in Tijuana.

TijuanaCameron Vickrey