Stories to inspire, challenge and educate.
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Youth group from Georgia experiences missions on the U.S.-Mexico border
With so many needs on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border, and restrictions from COVID on the decline, participating in a wide range of missions opportunities is now a welcome option for church groups through Fellowship Southwest.
Salvadoran father’s story reflects the truth and courage of resisting Central American gangs
Goals most U.S. fathers take for granted—building a family and living in peace—seem like luxuries in Central America. And hopes of life free from the grasp of organized crime “gangs” feel more like fantasies than achievable dreams.
Bernals’ ministry expands in Harlingen airport
What began as an airport ministry to asylum seekers has become an oasis to fill the spiritual emptiness of all travelers, whether migrants or not.
Love follows need: Migrants receive care in the Harlingen airport
A simple question launched a ministry that touched more than 100 refugees in a single week and promises to serve thousands of lonely, vulnerable people in the months to come.
An immigrant named Carina approached Eddie Bernal, a worker helping travelers at a gate at Valley International Airport in Harlingen, at the southern tip of Texas, just miles from Mexico.