Stories of Afghan refugees in Tijuana

Our border partner in Tijuana, Pastor Juvenal Gonzalez, shared a hopeful story with us about some Afghan refugees he was able to assist because of Fellowship Southwest's support. 

The family in the photo above is from Afghanistan. They suffered greatly to get to the border of Mexico and the U.S. An organized crime group kidnapped the father and his youngest daughter. After a few hours, something miraculous happened; the organized crime group saw the immigration officials, ran off, and abandoned them, and so did the immigration officials. They were left alone, and a few hours later, they ran into a policeman and asked him for help. He took them to immigration, then to Hermosillo, Sonora. His wife and the other daughter traveled to Tijuana, asking the ministry there with Pastor Juvenal for help. They discovered that the father and daughter were in Hermosillo and bought them plane tickets to Mexicali. They are seeking asylum for religious persecution as they are now followers of Jesus. They hope to join other Christian friends from Afghanistan living in the U.S. 

These two young Afghans are siblings who traveled with the other family of four to Mexico to reach the border. They, too, were kidnapped, with the father and daughter. When they arrived at Mexicali, the Mexican immigration did not want to release the two siblings. So Pastor Juvenal intervened and petitioned for their release to some politicians they know. Thankfully they were released and are currently seeking asylum at the bridge. Please pray for them to make it safely to the U.S. 

Because of our partnership with Pastor Juvenal, Fellowship Southwest was able to provide aid to these refugees. To contribute to efforts like this, you can donate to the Knox Fund for Immigrant Relief.