Immigration & Welcome, Past & Present

A few weeks ago my wife, Deborah and I took our daughter on her first trip to New York City to celebrate her tenth birthday. Though I’d been to the city many times before, almost every other trip was short and tied to work or another occasion. With more free time and my daughter in tow, I was determined to take a boat ride to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I’m so very glad we did.

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The power of Latin@ gatherings

The Latino community can be a force to be reckoned with when we unite.

That is one reason why Fellowship Southwest is thankful to partner with the Latino Christian National Network (LCNN), and as a Latina myself, it is a personal privilege.

LCNN is an ecumenical network of Latino leaders working to provide Latino and Latina Christian leaders with a respectful space for dialogue, mutual formation, cooperation, amplifying our prophetic voice, and civic engagement for justice.

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Maria's reflection from the border

I'm in the last week of a five-week internship service at Iglesia Bautista West Brownsville’s migrant ministry, Ministerio Golan. This ministry assists Latin American asylum seekers and refugees by providing free transportation to the Brownsville and Harlingen airports, clothing, food, and basic hygiene care. They also offer a respite home for pregnant women, families with children with disabilities, and Southwest Keys 'age-outs' to stay overnight while they await their flights. The church uses these points of intersection to share the gospel with them and provide emotional and spiritual support.

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Zoe's reflection from the border

We have come to know one family at the migrant center fairly well. Before they arrived, they had an appointment to enter the United States. However, by the time they had the money to travel to northern Mexico, they had arrived too late. They have been patiently waiting for another appointment ever since. It has been three and a half months. One day, the youngest daughter in the family came to us, asking to be interviewed. Only eight years old, but she had a story and wanted to share it. We sat down and Christina eventually asked, “Why did you leave Honduras?”.

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Christina's Reflection from the Border

My teammate and I prepared an adult Bible study for the following day at the kitchen table. After some discussion, we settled on Acts 2: 1-13 where the Holy Spirit came down on a group of followers gathered to worship in what will become known as Pentecost. The story of Pentecost is dear to me for many reasons; I announced the pregnancy of both my children on this special Sunday, it normally falls on or around my birthday, and frankly, I think the Holy Spirit is not given enough credit, so I appreciate the stories that feature Her!

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Sejana's reflections from the border

Let me first admit that I hate that I don’t have all the answers to share with you about the people that we are interacting with and about these families who have been staying here with us. I work as a Chaplain at a major hospital, so I hear many stories all the time. I like to think that my strength is listening. But here, limited by my language skills, I have so many unanswered questions. I’ve learned to adapt and rely on other life skills and the Spirit to get me through. I’m here to see and each day, I pick up on something new about the system, the effects of the law on the people, the inner workings (and difficulties) of this work of ongoing care for the people who migrate through here, and the mini connections with these families from various countries, and the people in this church and ministry who support them.

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El problema con usar el término “ilegal” | The problem with the word "Illegals"

No word is more offensive in the U.S. immigration debate than "illegal." It can refer to someone undocumented or without legal authorization. However, this term is often used more broadly, even encompassing asylum seekers and legal permanent residents—those authorized to be in the country. It is frequently used as a slur against anyone crossing the border or any foreign born who is Brown or Black, regardless of their manner of entry.

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The situation in Haiti: Will it affect U.S. immigration?

You are probably reading and hearing about the unrest in Haiti over the past couple of weeks. We've wondered how this will impact migration flows and the pending immigration of Haitians who have been waiting to seek asylum in the U.S. for many months already. It looks as if we aren't the only ones wondering. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has decided to act preemptively to shield Floridians from what he sees as a threat: Haitian refugees. We are disappointed that once again, our leaders are choosing to criminalize immigrants rather than respond with humanitarian compassion.

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FSW at a conference on migrant ministries - Como Nacido Entre Nosotros

Stephen Reeves and I spent last week in Cd. Juarez, Mexico, for a four-day ecumenical conference on human mobility by “Como Nacido Entre Nosotros ( or CNEN)” (as one born among you). CNEN is a regional network driven by churches and Christian organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean that seeks to join existing efforts to strengthen the capacity of the Christian community to care for, protect, and promote the rights of migrants.

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About that bipartisan Senate border proposal

Earlier this week, a bipartisan Senate border proposal surfaced and then failed, after being negotiated for three months. But we want to tell you about it anyway. 

First, the current state of our border is unsustainable. No one thinks that waves of asylum seekers making a dangerous trek to our border is the best scenario for anyone. We need a secure border, but we also need a humane border. 

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House Minority Pushes H.R.2: The Hidden Dangers for Migrant Children

As the border deal fails to secure enough votes in Congress, attention has pivoted to push for the passage of H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act. However, a closer examination of the bill reveals alarming provisions that pose significant risks to the well-being and rights of migrant children –those they claim to protect.

Here's a breakdown of what is included in H.R.2:

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Immigrants find no escape from exploitation

Migrants from Latin and South America are frequently the victims of exploitation and extortion in their home countries or along their journeys north. Unfortunately it doesn’t get much better for some once they get here. Instead of cartels, they face unjust corporations. Nowhere is there a better microcosm of multifaceted immigrant exploitation than in Colony Ridge.

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Holy families of today

In nearly every moment of the Christmas story, characters heed promptings from angels. An angel announces to Mary she is chosen to be the mother of God, and she accepts. An angel encourages Joseph to support Mary in this calling, and he does. The magi return home from Bethlehem by another road, and the new family flees to another country in order to protect their child, all thanks to divine messengers.

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A 6-year old's first birthday party

Ministry to migrants looks like many things one would not predict. Most people assume it includes providing meals, clothing and shelter. Emotional and spiritual attention is just as important in FSW migrant ministries, too. But caring for the whole person, the whole family, also involves commemorating special celebrations like birthdays for children.

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IMMIGRATIONCameron Vickrey
Looking into the Eyes of Faith and Learning What God Can Do in the Darkest of Times

Linda and I traveled to West Brownsville as an advance team for our church, Iglesia Bill Harrod, located in West Dallas. Anyra Cano, director of Programs and Outreach for Fellowship Southwest (FSW), inspired our trip. We carried donations from what one might euphemistically characterize as an economically challenged church in an economically challenged West Dallas to Iglesia Bautista West Brownsville, a neighborhood and church with challenges on a whole different level.

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IMMIGRATIONCameron Vickrey