Posts in Hunger
Addressing Hunger in the Rio Grande Valley: Community Leaders and Advocacy Partners Unite for Change

On August 20, 2024, dozens of community leaders and agency representatives gathered at the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley in Pharr, Texas, to confront one of the region’s most pressing issues: hunger. Organized by Bread for the World, the House of Love and Justice (HLJ) and the Food Bank, the event sought to spotlight the growing crisis of food insecurity in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV). 

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Stories from Piedras Negras

Over Memorial Day weekend, First Baptist Austin made a second annual trip to work alongside Primera Iglesia Bautista Piedras Negras and their ministry to migrants waiting to cross the border. We provided a day of fun for the almost 40 children staying in their two shelters, and worked to rehab and improve the main shelter downtown by installing fans, doing some light plumbing projects, and a fresh coat of paint. On Sunday First Austin members cooked lunch for the 250+ worshipers at First Piedras Negras to thank them for their incredible ministry of hospitality. Of the many memorable moments, these two will stick with me.

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Urgente: Apoya la reautorización de la Ley Agrícola (Farm Bill) de los Estados Unidos

Estamos a las puertas de una crisis mundial de hambre y desnutrición sin precedentes, y tu apoyo puede hacer la diferencia. La Ley Agrícola de los Estados Unidos o Farm Bill –un proyecto de ley crucial que no solo afecta a la agricultura estadounidense sino también a la seguridad alimentaria mundial– expirará el 30 de septiembre y necesita que el Congreso la reautorice. Por eso, necesitamos tu ayuda para que el Congreso apruebe y fortalezca el Farm Bill antes de que culmine este mes.

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Hunger, spanishCameron Vickrey
Take Action Now: Support the Reauthorization of the Farm Bill

We are facing a global hunger and malnutrition crisis of unprecedented proportions, and time is running out on a bill that would make a difference. The Farm Bill –a crucial piece of legislation that impacts not only American agriculture but also global food security–  is up for reauthorization, with the current bill set to expire on September 30. We need your help to ensure that Congress passes and strengthens the Farm Bill to address these pressing issues.

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