Posts in Tijuana
Desayuno en Tijuana

El equipo de Fellowship Southwest acaba de concluir un recorrido con la mayoría de los ministerios que apoyamos y que atienden a los migrantes en la frontera. Comenzamos durante el fin de semana de “Labor day” (Día del Trabajo), principalmente como una forma de conectarnos en persona, con estos ministerios que apoyamos, y para que Anyra Cano, la nueva integrante del equipo, conociera los ministerios. Anyra es la directora de programas y alcance, será la persona principal que ayudará coordinar los viajes misioneros y experiencias en la frontera.

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TijuanaCameron Vickrey
Breakfast in Tijuana

The Fellowship Southwest staff just completed a tour of most of the partners we support who serve migrants at the border. We started over Labor Day weekend, mainly as a way to touch base with partners in person, but also to introduce our new staff person, Anyra Cano, to the ministries there. Anyra is the director of programs and outreach, and she will be the primary person who helps to coordinate mission trips and experiences at the border.

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TijuanaCameron Vickrey
From a “death sentence,” to uncertainty and pandemic, God keeps calling González

A “death sentence” got Juvenal González’s attention, and a reprieve changed his life forever.

As a teenager, González migrated from his home in Guerrero, Mexico, to Washington state, where he picked apples, pears and peaches, and then on to North Carolina, where he picked sweet potatoes. His migration was complicated, but his purpose was simple—buy a pickup truck and prosper.

One morning, he bolted from his bed, vomiting blood. The next morning, he awoke in a hospital bed, facing death.

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TijuanaJay Pritchard
FSW relief ministry expands to include pastors imperiled by pandemic

Sometimes, caregivers need care, and Fellowship Southwest has expanded its Immigrant Relief Ministry to support them.

Two stalwarts in FSW’s ministry to asylum seekers on the U.S.-Mexico border—Juvenal González in Tijuana and Rosalio Sosa in Juarez—recently reported an alarming result of the COVID-19 pandemic: Pastors in their local networks don’t have enough money to feed their families.

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